Welcome to JustUpdate

JustUpdate is a simple updater system, written for python, that uses each platforms native methods to perform an application update.


Os specific requirements:

The module itself

To install do the following

pip install justupdate

or install from the git repository.

git clone <https://github.com/NicklasMCHD/JustUpdate.git>
cd JustUpdate
python setup.py install


See usage cli and usage client

Terminology for the CLI:

term explanation
Build the new version of the application in the build phase
JustUpdate Repository (ju-repo) The repository is where the configuration, current builds, new and archived updates are kept.
commit A version of your application commited to the JustUpdate Repository
upload service The service used to upload the commited updates

helping out

Have you found this utility helpful and wan't to support me in my work?
you are welcome to buy me a coffee (isn't that what they all say... Or is it pizza, nevermind... You know what I mean.) or alternatively follow me on twitter